Aurland 4-6 Mars

Helgekurs i Argentinsk tango i Aurland.
4-6 Mars 2011
Instruktør: Karen Osen Isdal
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Nye kurs i Knarvik

14, 21 og 28 Mars var det nytt tangokurs i Knarvik Gammaldanslag.
Instruktører: Xavier Bonète og Karen O. Isdal

Tangokurs i Haugesund 2011

Instruktører: Karen O. Isdal og David Firmin

Kjempefin kurshelg i Haugesund i februar.

Dj oker

Mona y Karen

Milonga i Haugesund er så hett at det tiltrekker seg brannmenn. Ikke verst!

Lygra tangoweekend 2010

Lyngheisenteret på Lygra. Et fantastistisk sal for milonga.

Tangokurs for de ansatte på Høyskolen i Bergen.
Instruktører: David Firmin og Karen Osen Isdal.

Nybegynnerkurs i Knarvik

Xavier Bonète in action!

Knarvik i Nordhordaland høsten 2010.
52 mennesker møtte for å danse tango.
Instruktører Xavier Bonète og Karen O. Isdal

Danse med hester

Foto: Arne Beck
Dancing with horses! Natural movement is universal. In any artform you will recognice the same basic movements when you´ve reached a certain level, or awareness. My tangoteacher Mazen Kiwan only needed one day to reach the same level of riding as another student will use years to achieve. He simply used the same basic techniques as to lead a woman in dancing. Kiwan is an amazing dancer and leader. My horse imidiately recogniced his comfortable way of moving and fell in love;-)

Beirut International Tangofestival

Tangofestival in Libanon 2010, Kiwans home country.
Karen I. & Bastian H. På toppen av en sten tiltenkt et romersk tempel, et av de største i sitt slag som fremdeles er inntakt.
See for this years festival.
Mazen Kiwan & Maria Filali


Foto: Arne Beck
Sun, wind, earth and sea. Nature is dance, movement and natural connection. Rousseau said we should let the children experience life outside, in nature, with other beings, this is the best way of education, of learning to be a competent human, knowing how to be in this world. Today we place our children within walls, in institutions, and we keep them there until they forget the natural instinct of nature. Dance bring us back to movement and feeling of oneness.


Foto: Arne Beck
Contactimprovisation in Bøkeskogen. Dance is life, dance brings life, dance touch people and open heart for emotions.
Karen Osen Isdal